Discussion Guide for CODE BLUE

These questions were adopted from those provided by the author at https://mikemagee.org/educators/

  1. What was the historical context that led to the development of what the author calls "the Medical-Industrial Complex?"

  2. Did you learn anything suprising about the development of the AMA and/or the industrialization of pharmaceutical production?

  3. My mother had a very close call with diptheria as a child, so the mention of diptheria was immediately interesting to me. What was your awareness of diptheria?

  4. DO you think advertising of drugs direct to consumers is a good idea? Were you suprised at the role newspaper owners and medical leaders played in the fight to curtail this practice?

  5. Were you suprised to learn the tragic history of Massengil? I thought it was amusing that their permanent association with "feminine odor" actually helped their brand.

  6. How did World War II impact America’s approach to heath delivery?

  7. Were you suprised to learn how how the war led to the creation of the first DSM?

  8. Why didn't the US sign on the the Nuremberg ethical guidelines for research? Do you agree with that decision?

  9. Were you suprised to learn how employers used the health insurance exemption from wartime wage freezes to ensure our health insurance stays ties to our employer? Has this impacted your life or career?

  10. How did the Cold War impact efforts to establish a national health care system?

  11. Mary Lasker and Florence Mahoney: heroes or villians?

  12. What were the legal milestones in the two decades following the passage of Medicare that reinforced the Medical Industrial Complex?

  13. How did the AMA and its’ collaborators gain control of the marketplace during the Reagan, Bush and Clinton years?

  14. What collusive tactics were employed?


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